After Years of Walking
After the genocide of 1994, the Rwandan government temporarily suspended history from the school curriculum. The characters in After Years of Walking - children, teachers, genocide killers, students and historians - all find themselves in an uncertain zone between the old history and a new one.
The filmmaker found a historical film made in 1959 by Belgian missionaries. She took this film back to Rwanda in 2002 as an entry point into Rwanda's search for history.
37 min. / Beta SP (shooting format: DV-cam) / 2003
French and Kinyarwanda spoken, with English subtitles
Director/producer: Sarah Vanagt
Cinematographer: Annemarie Lean-Vercoe
Sound recordist: Pauline Simonet
Editor: Sarah Metcalfe
Sound design: Robert Prynne
Music: Tradi-musiciens (Rwanda)
Produced by National Film and Television School, UK