

What kind of futures can be read in the impersonal fragments of our reality? It’s a question that inevitably gains attention and importance when it’s posed to those who the future, pre-eminently, belongs to. Already in her debut film, Little Figures (2003), Sarah Vanagt gauged the historical imagination of children by inviting immigrant children to improvise an imaginary conversation between three historical figures, immortalized as statues, in Brussels. Fifteen years and many transformations later, she decided to reverse the question and ask children to read the future in the elusive imprints of their city. Onto countless abstract patterns, brought to life with the help of an old magic lantern, children from Brussels, Athens and Sarajevo project their own impressions, dreams and fears. The result is a form of “magical reading”, as the perception of unforeseen correspondences and constellations that confront us with the undercurrent of the present. (Stoffel De Buysser, Courtisane festival)

A film by Sarah Vanagt, 35 min, colour, 2019

Dutch, Greek and English spoken with English subtitles (French and Dutch subtitles avalailable)


Camera Go Pro on the wrist: Sarah Vanagt & children in Brussels, Athens & Sarajevo

The divination sessions took place in close collaboration with Katerina Nikou (Athens) and Andreja Dugandžić (Sarajevo)

Camera: Jonathan Wannyn

Editing: Effi Weiss

Sound recordings: Sarah Vanagt

Additional voice recordings in Brussels: Nina de Vroome

Sound design & Mix: Maxime Thomas


Produced by

Balthasar: Sarah Vanagt

Coproduced by

L’atelier Cinéma GSARA: Renaud Bellen, Olivier Burlet, Maureen Vanden Berghe

CBA – Centre de l’Audiovisuel à Bruxelles: Javier Packer Comyn, Yvan Flasse

With the support of

VAF, Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds / Flanders Audiovisual Fund

VGC, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie

L'atelier cinéma GSARA




B-magic project (Excellence of Science project, supported by the Research Foundation Flanders and the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique)